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自2009年的PDC上首次证明了IE9浏览器在开发以来,微软将用上演IE9的处女秀。 微软已经发布了关于下周IE9的一些细节,微软的官方MIX10网站也进行了更新! 作为IE8浏览器的继任者,微软将在MIX10上面展示更多的IE9技术和界面等细节! 为期3天的网页设计师和开发人员会议(MIX10)定于3月15日——17日,在拉斯维加斯举行。 IE产品总经理迪安预定在MIX10的第二天,就是3月16日开始演示IE9。 但是,到目前为止,微软还没有提供任何线索表明,该MIX10参与者或广大市民将会得到一个预览版本的Internet Explorer 9。 关于IE9的议程细节: 1、深入看看Internet Explorer 9 2、高性能最佳做法网站 3、 Internet Explorer开发人员工具 4、Cross-Browser Best Practices 跨浏览器的最佳实践 The wait is almost over for new demos of Internet Explorer 9. Come next week and MIX10, Microsoft will showcase the evolution of IE9 since the first demonstration of the browser at PDC 2009 last year. The Redmond company has already published details on a number of IE9-focused sessions scheduled for the coming week. The official MIX10 website was updated to detail the new demos planned for the next iteration of Internet Explorer. Microsoft itself has confirmed officially that it will offer additional details on the successor of IE8 at its premier Internet event. The 3-day conference for web designers and developers is scheduled between March 15-17th, 2010, in Las Vegas. IE General Manager Dean Hachamovitch is slated to keynote on the second day of MIX10, with many expecting the GM to offer the first testing bits of IE9. So far, the Redmond company has not offered any clues indicating that the MIX10 participants or the general public will be getting their hands on a preview build of Internet Explorer. Below you will be able to find details of the new IE9-centric sessions at MIX10: In-Depth Look at Internet Explorer 9 “Learn what’s coming in the Internet Explorer platform for Web programming, interoperability, graphics and performance by bringing the power of the PC hardware and Windows to Web developers. This session will include demos showcasing the latest code, providing you with a first-hand look at the latest browser advancements to be released in Internet Explorer 9.” High-Performance Best Practices for Web Sites “Creating high performance Web sites and applications is crucial for every Web developer. Come learn ways you can make your sites faster in Internet Explorer and other browsers. We’ll describe what’s changing with performance in Internet Explorer 9 with the JavaScript engine and DirectX-powered graphics and hardware acceleration on Windows.” Internet Explorer Developer Tools “Come learn about the developer tools built into Internet Explorer 8 and how they can help streamline and optimize your coding and testing efforts. We’ll also demonstrate the new features and enhancements for the developer tool to be released in Internet Explorer 9.” Cross-Browser Best Practices “Creating complex sites that work well across browsers is a constant challenge for developers. See how Internet Explorer 9 makes it easier to create Web sites using interoperable HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We’ll show best practices you can use today to target a broad range of browsers
