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Windows 8 Technical Documentation in the Works

Microsoft might not breathe a single word on the next iteration of the Windows client and server platforms for the general public, but the company’s silence should not be mistaken for inactivity. While the software giant is keeping down to a minimum leaks on the development of Windows 8 client and Windows 8 Server, the company is indeed hard at work on the successors of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. And while the company is keeping mum on Windows 8, it is already developing technical documentation for the US Department of Justice. Robert Muglia, the president for Microsoft’s Server and Tools Business, is still at the helm of the documentation effort that the Redmond company needs to perform per the settlement it reached with DOJ in 2001. The software giant has continued to make available technical content through the Microsoft Communications Protocol Program (“MCPP”) to third-parties that want to leverage the protocols in order to build interoperability with Microsoft’s solution and their products. Part of the technical content is related to Windows 8 and Windows 8 Server, although in all fairness, the DOJ doesn’t refer to the operating systems under these monikers. “Approximately 500 Microsoft employees and contingent staff are involved in work on the MCPP technical documentation. Given the substantial overlap between the MCPP and the European Work Group Server Protocol Program, all of these individuals’ work relates to both programs or is exclusive to the MCPP. Of these, approximately 232 product team engineers and program managers are actively involved in the creation and review of the technical content of the documentation, including periodic work on TDI resolution as well as developing new content for the next version of Windows Client and Windows Server,” an excerpt from the “Joint Status Report on Microsoft’s Compliance With The Final Judgments” available here reads. (emphasis added) “Because of varying areas of expertise, not all of these product team employees are working on the documentation at any given time. For example, many of the MCPP documents currently do not have any associated TDIs. In other months, these same product teams may have multiple TDIs to resolve and/or additional content to draft and spend most or all of their time on projects relating to the protocol documentation,” the report adds. On March 22nd, it will be just five months since Windows 7 hit store shelves, and, in this regard, Microsoft’s silence is understandable. The company would gain absolutely no advantage by beginning to dish out details on Windows 8, as it would only draw attention away from Windows 7. This entry was written by Ben Ben, posted on March 11, 2010 at 7:38 pm, filed under Windows 8 News and tagged Win8, Windows 8, Windows8. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL. 微软官方虽然没有向公众透露任何Windows 7下一代客户端和服务器操作系统,但是这丝毫掩盖不了Windows 8正在开发的事实。关于Windows 8的消息络绎不绝,比如说为Windows 8开发招贤纳才,比如说已经占位上线的Windows 8官方博客,再比如说微软开发工程师离职后对Windows 8发布日期的曝光。 就算是微软在Win8问题上再怎么保持沉默,一些必要的流程还是要走的,目前微软就在为美国司法部(DOJ)开发Windows8的技术文档。微软服务器及开发工具业务主管Robert Muglia负责微软通信协议项目(MCPP),第三方开发商可以通过MCPP获取技术文档以便实现与微软方案和产品的协作。MCPP技术文档的一部分就已经涉及了Windows8和Windows 8 Server。 现摘录“微软联合状况报告”中的一段内容:“约500名微软雇员正在致力于开发MCPP技术文档,鉴于MCPP与欧洲工作组服务器协议计划(European Work Group Server Protocol Program)的实质性差别,这些工作人员有的同时为两个项目服务,有的则仅负责MCPP。这其中约232位产品团队开发工程师和项目管理人员正在积极地为该文档的技术内容进行开发和审查,包括对TDI分辨率的定期审查以及为下一代Windows客户端、服务器开发的新内容。”
A New Forum Will Come . www.win7sky.com 。

操作系统肯定是要开发的啦 就是不知道是不是叫win8了 英文是看不懂了
ночной флудер




期待中………… 爲了win8 還得要換電腦…………囧……

